We hope you've had a safe and fun summer break. We've been busy preparing for the start of the 2022-23 school year, and we're looking forward to seeing all of our students.
Monday, August 29th, we welcome our students and their families to open house. We're also excited to announce that the Darling's Ice Cream for a Cause truck will be here at MJHS from 4:00-6:00pm with all proceeds benefiting the MJHS food pantry.
The Darling’s Ice Cream for a Cause truck offers free ice cream in exchange for voluntary donations to help raise money for charities and causes in our communities. Since 2012, it has raised over $433,000 for more than 2,100 causes.
Open House times are as follows:
3:45-5:15pm Life Skills student meet and greet with Mrs. Thomas (Families have been contacted by Mrs. Thomas.)
4:00-5:30pm Scavenger Hunt for 4th grade students and their families (Mrs. Hainer and Mr. McCarthy will handout your first clue at the front door.)
4:30-6:00pm Traditional open house for 5th-8th grade students (Start in the gym to find out your posted homeroom group and proceed to that room for paperwork and your schedule.)
There will be school apparel for sale in the gym, and we can accept cash or checks as payment.
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 31st. Please follow drop-off and parking instructions provided with your paperwork packet to help with traffic flow, and make sure to complete and return school paperwork as soon as possible. Breakfast and lunch are free for all students again this year, but we still need the free and reduced meal applications to be completed. All students must be in their homeroom by 7:45am to start the day after going to breakfast and/or their lockers. Students who walk will be dismissed at the end of the day after the first round of bus students are dismissed. This will be at approximately 2:20pm Monday through Thursday and 1:30pm on Friday.
Suggested school supply lists are below.
Grade 4 Suggested Supplies:
zippered pencil pouch (NO BOXES)
glue sticks
black dry erase markers (any size, at least 4)
4 - two pocket folders for exploratory classes – 2 Health, 1 Music, 1 Technology
sneakers for exploratory class – PE
Grade 5 Suggested Supplies:
4 - one subject notebooks
9 - two pocket folders for exploratory classes – 2 Health, 1 Spanish, 1 Art, 1 ELA, 1 Math, 1 Social Studies, 1 Science, 1
sneakers for exploratory class – PE
Optional – coloring supplies, dry erase markers, zipper binder
Grade 6 Suggested Supplies:
earbuds or headphones that can be kept at school all year
pencils (please send a few at a time throughout the year)
cap or block erasers (please send a few at a time)
1 - zippered pencil pouch (to keep pencils/erasers/earbuds in)
4 - two pocket folders for exploratory classes – 2 Health, 1 Spanish, 1 Art
1 - one subject notebook for exploratory class – Spanish
colored pencils for exploratory class – Spanish
sneakers for exploratory class – PE
Grade 7 Suggested Supplies:
1 – 3” three ring binder
1 – 1” three ring binder
1 – one subject notebook
pencils (100 should last for the school year)
lined loose-leaf paper
1 package of colored pencils (12 pack)
1 package of markers (8 pack)
colored pens for exploratory class – Health
colored pencils for exploratory classes – Health & Spanish
sneakers for exploratory class – PE
Grade 8 Suggested Supplies:
pencils and eraser tops
pocket folders
1 – zipper binder
1 package of highlighters of different colors
2 – one subject notebooks for exploratory classes – Spanish & Art
colored pens for exploratory class – Health
colored pencils for exploratory classes – Health & Spanish
2 highlighters for exploratory class – Health
sneakers for exploratory class – PE
If you have any questions, please call us at 794-8935 between 7:00am and 3:00pm.