Five MJHS staff members were awarded Bailey Grants totaling $53,800! These grants will benefit students by adding opportunities for development programs as they are critical to the long-term success of communities and organizations. Mrs. Bickford was awarded $5000 to provide exposure to arts and culture. Miss Kinkade was awarded $8800 to add critical equipment to the music program. Mrs. Burns was awarded $11,000 for the MJHS Coding/Robotics Club. Mr. Cox will be adding a traverse climbing wall with the $14,000 he was awarded. Mrs. Cole was awarded $15,000 so all eighth grade students may attend the leadership school at Kieve. We would like to thank the Herb & Ellie Bailey Charitable Trust for their generous donation. The Bailey's owned and operated Bailey's Drug Store on Main Street in Lincoln for many years. It was their wish to give back to their community..
Bailey Grants Awarded
January 7, 2019