
Due to a reduced number of available bus drivers for our district, the transportation department has changed the bus routes in order to pick up and drop off students with fewer buses. 

Please carefully review the information provided here, RSU No. 67 Bus Routes, and note that certain areas of town within a one mile radius are considered walking distance for 5th grade and older. (See the list for 5th-8th graders here, MJHS Roads.) Due to lack of space on buses, this be enforced beginning 4/25/22 along with the new routes.

If you have any questions regarding these changes please contact one of the following: R.S.U. No 67 Bus garage between 8:00 AM and 1:30 PM 794-8578. David Ham, Transportation director between 7:00 AM and 3:30 PM call or text at 290-1869. Email: dham@rsu67.org or lrideout@rsu67.org