Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we continue to prepare for the potential of school moving to a hybrid model or a fully remote model, we feel that it is time to remind you all of what school will look like for your child if we change to a fully remote or hybrid model. It is hard to believe that we may soon be in a situation that is very similar to the one that we were in back in March. For the last eight weeks, teachers and students have been adjusting to new procedures and protocols, while also adapting to new models of instruction. Today, we are reaching out to provide some additional information about the hybrid instructional model and the remote instructional model. You will notice that this will look much different than what was expected of your child at the end of the 19-20 school year. All plans listed below will have your child participate in the learning of new material, passing in work on time, lessons, graded assignments, quizzes and tests. Attendance will follow the same guidelines as if your child were in the school building five days a week. If you click on the link at the bottom of this message, you will find documents that will provide you with guidelines and expectations to maximize the remote learning experience for your child. I have listed some important bullets below that involve the two potential scenarios we could face.
What will the hybrid model look like for students?
- Students will attend in-person two days a week and will be remote 3 days a week. Students are in two cohorts, Blue and White. Please refer to the hybrid group by homeroom chart to see what color designation your child is.
- Fridays will end at 12:00pm for early dismissal for all grades.
- 7th and 8th grade will start classes at 8:35 Mon-Thurs and at 7:35 on Fri.
What will a fully remote model look like for students?
- We would move to this model if our county designation is changed to RED or if we have outbreaks of COVID-19 within our school district
- Students’ will follow their schedules in PowerSchool (kids have their personal access codes and parent codes were mailed home recently)
- 7th and 8th grade will start classes at 7:50 Mon-Thurs and at 7:35 on Fri.
I hope you find this information valuable. As unsettling as it may feel to actually see what may potentially be in our near future, we must be prepared to continue educating our students if and when we are directed to change models. In closing, please know that I am very proud of the way our MJHS students, families, teachers, and community partners have worked with each other as we continue to educate students during these unfortunate circumstances. Together, we share the responsibility for our children's education.
Christopher Cowing, Principal
(Click here to be redirected to our important documents page)