We want to highlight information available in our student handbook that is pertinent with trimester 1 ending on November 19th. The full handbook is available on the MJHS website by clicking "menu", "student handbook", or use this link: Student Handbook 2024-25
Under Academic Eligibility is the following information:
RSU No. 67 maintains an extracurricular eligibility policy with specific guidelines for students at Mattanawcook Junior High School. The complete policy, updated in June of 2023, is here: JJJ_Extracurricular_Activities_Eligibility
The following are once per month dates when students grades will be reviewed for eligibility during the 2024-2025 school year.
10/1/24, 11/4/24, 12/2/24, 1/6/25, 2/3/25, 3/3/25, 4/1/25, 5/5/25, 6/2/25
Any student who is failing (below 70) one or more courses on one of these dates will be on probation. During probation the student may still participate in the club, sport, or ungraded activity but they need to prioritize making sure their grade is not failing within two weeks. If they do not bring it up during the probation, they will have to stop all participation until it is passing.
Student grades are regularly updated in PowerSchool and both students and parents/guardians have access to view them. Access instructions and codes were printed in a letter and included with student paperwork during open house or the first day of school. Below is the information from this letter.
PowerSchool, the student information system used at Mattanawcook Junior High School, contains the most up-to- date online grade book, schedules, and attendance information. From one parent account, you can access multiple children.
This information is updated regularly by school staff, but please understand that it takes time to collect, score, and input the information. Do not be alarmed if you do not see scores for a particular class, and feel free to communicate with teachers by email or ClassDojo. Thank you for your interest in your child's academic progress and your patience as we improve our communication abilities.
If you have not previously set up an account, follow the steps below. (Returning 5th-8th grade parents may have done this last year. As long as you remember the username and password you created you can continue to use it. School personnel cannot see your password or reset it, but you may do that from the website. )
1. Open the internet browser on your computer.
2. Type https://rsu67.powerschool.com/... into the address bar.
3. Click on the Create Account tab and then the blue Create Account button.
4. Fill out your name, email address, desired username, and password. (This username and password will follow your child from 4th to 12th grade.)
5. Enter the full name, Access ID, and Access Password for each child you want to access. (You can add a student in the parent portal if you've already set up an account.) Please enter the ID and password exactly as shown on this letter. (They are case sensitive.) Each child has a unique Access ID and password and will receive individual letters.
The Access ID is:
The Access Password is:
6. Once you enter the ID and password for each student, click the blue Enter button. (Scroll down to the bottom to see the Enter button.)
7. Login using your new username and password to view the information.
There is a free PowerSchool app for smart phones and tablets. Once you have created your account following the steps above on a computer, you can download the app and use the same username and password you created. You will need to know the district code, HLLQ. Please note that there are some differences to the formatting on the app which will abbreviate information due to the smaller scale of devices it's designed to be used with.
If you have any questions regarding the use of PowerSchool, please email or call Sarah Hainer at shainer@rsu67.org or 207-794-8935.
Note: Your child has a student account to access information on PowerSchool, but this account does not allow him/her to link other children.
Under Grading System is the following information:
MJHS will be using a traditional grading system. Grades for classes and rank cards are based on the following numeric system.
A = 93+
B = 85-92
C = 75-84
D = 70-74
F = Below 70
Under Honor Roll is the following:
MJHS students are recognized for their academic efforts with the designation of honors or high honors for each trimester. Students achieving an A in each of their classes receive high honors and those who achieve an A or B in each of their classes will receive honors recognition. The students are given certificates or ribbons and the honor roll list is posted on the website and in the Lincoln News approximately 2 weeks after the close of each trimester in order to allow time for make-up work to be completed and scored.