Thank you for helping your student check the weather and plan for their 20 minute recess and 45-60 minute PE classes. Physical Education students will have class outside depending on the skills they are working on. We will have outside recess throughout the year, even in colder weather and when it's snowing or lightly raining.
Outdoor recess has many benefits for our students, including:
Physical health
Outdoor recess helps children develop strong bones and muscles, maintain a healthy weight, and practice gross motor skills.
Social and emotional development
Outdoor play helps children learn social skills and experience social interaction.
Connection with nature
Outdoor time encourages children to observe and appreciate the natural world.
Reduced stress
Fresh air and sunshine can increase overall health and mood, and sunlight is a key source of vitamin D.
Improved focus
Outdoor play can enhance focus and concentration.
Recess provides children with the opportunity to make their own decisions about what and how to play.
Brain performance
Physical activity increases the capacity of blood vessels in the brain, which delivers oxygen, water, and glucose to the brain.
Academic performance
Recess can lead to students being more on task during academic activities and having improved memory.