The Board of Directors voted to modify the school calendar to make Friday, March 18 a student day instead of a workshop day. We will follow a normal Friday schedule.
about 3 years ago, RSU 67
If you are planning on attending the second grade concert, please check out the guidelines posted on the events page of the EPB website. Thanks.
about 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
If you haven't signed you child up for pooled testing, and would like to, please be sure to do it soon. We hope to start next week. Information went home on Friday and is also posted on the EPB website. Only those who are registered will be tested. This is a voluntary service.
about 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
Don't forget conferences at EPB will be between 3:00 and 6:30 today and Wednesday. If you did not sign up, or forgot your date and time, please give us a call. Conferences are a great way to talk about your child's progress and set some goals for the remainder of the year. We're looking forward to seeing you.
over 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
A reminder there is no school on Friday (teacher workshop) or Monday (holiday), so students have a four day weekend.
over 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
Picture day at EPB will be tomorrow! Jostens will be here from 8:00-1:00 taking student pictures. All ordering is done online, so there's no need to send money or an order form. Information is on the flier that went home last week. Smile pretty!
over 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
We are looking forward to seeing you for Open House today from 4:00-5:30. Come visit your child's teacher and classroom. Doors open at 4:00.
over 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
Open House for Ella P. Burr will be Monday, August 30 from 4:00-5:30 pm. Come visit the teachers and check out the classrooms. We're excited to see you. Masks are mandated when you enter the building.
over 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
Open House for Ella P. Burr will be Monday, August 30 from 4:00-5:30 pm. Come visit the teachers and check out the classrooms. We're excited to see you.
over 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
​Teacher/classroom assignments will be coming out by August 16. Kindergarten screening was just completed and lists are being finalized next week. Thank you for your patience.
over 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
A reminder that the Pre K (4 year old) registration deadline is Friday, July 30. Any registration after that time will depend on availability. Please contact the Central Office (794-6500) for registration materials.
over 3 years ago, Peter Loiselle
Due to the extreme heat and the challenges of wearing masks EPB will dismiss at 11:00 on Tuesday. Please dress your child for the warm weather and send them with a water bottle.
almost 4 years ago, Peter Loiselle
With the expected record heat to start the week, please send your children with extra water and dressed in cool clothes.
almost 4 years ago, Peter Loiselle
May 12, 2021 Dear Staff, Parents, and Community Members: This letter is to inform you that a member of the Ella P. Burr School community has tested positive for COVID-19. As with every positive COVID-19 case, the district is working directly with Maine DOE/CDC to determine the infectious period and contact tracing requirements, based on the impacted individual’s last day of attendance before developing symptoms or testing positive. Those who are impacted have been contacted. Ella P. Burr students will continue with in-person instruction. We ask all families and staff to monitor for any symptoms and remind everyone to please stay home if symptomatic. It will take our entire community working together to keep our students in school. General questions regarding COVID-19 can be answered by calling 1-866-811-5695, you can text your zip code to 898-211, or email at or by calling your primary care provider. More information can be found at www.maine/gov/dhhs/coronavirus or Questions regarding student health can be directed to Jeri Davis, RN by calling 794-6711 or by emailing: Questions regarding scheduling or instruction should be directed to Ella P. Burr School at 794-3014. Jean Skorapa, Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Rose Clark
4 year old registration is happening right now in the tent behind EPB. If your child is 4 before October 15, today is the day to sign them up for the Pre K program. Someone will be there until 2:30 today.
almost 4 years ago, Peter Loiselle
Parents can pick up learning materials until 2:00 this afternoon. If you have any questions, please call the school.
almost 4 years ago, Peter Loiselle
April 13, 2021 Dear Staff, Parents, and Community Members: This letter is to inform you that a member of the R.S.U. No. 67 school community has tested positive for COVID-19. As with every positive COVID-19 case, the district is working directly with Maine DOE/CDC to determine the infectious period and contact tracing requirements, based on the impacted individual’s last day of attendance before developing symptoms or testing positive. Those who are impacted will be contacted. Due to the number of individuals in quarantine, and our inability to provide bus transportation, all R.S.U. No. 67 schools will be remote for the remainder of the week. We continue to ask all families and staff to monitor students for any symptoms. All individuals should contact a health care provider if they develop symptoms. April Vacation Recovery School has been cancelled. General questions regarding COVID-19 can be answered by calling 1-866-811-5695, you can text your zip code to 898-211, or email at or by calling your primary care provider. More information can be found at www.maine/gov/dhhs/coronavirus or Questions regarding student health can be directed to Jeri Davis, RN by calling 794-6711 or by emailing: Questions regarding scheduling or instruction should be directed to Ella P. Burr at 794-3014, Mattanawcook Jr. High School at 794-8935, or Mattanawcook Academy at 794-8935. Jean Skorapa, Superintendent Regional School Unit 67 25 Reed Drive Lincoln, Maine 04457 207-794-6500
almost 4 years ago, RSU 67
In order to keep students safe and provide room for the arriving busses, parents are asked when picking up students at EPB please enter via Reed Drive (MA entrance) and turn right at the back parking lot. Parking is available in the designated areas in the back lot and along the side of EPB. Parents picking up their children should wait outside the front doors by the main office. There will be 2 handicapped parking spaces located in the front parking area. Only those requiring one of these spaces should enter EPB via the EPB driveway. All parents would then exit via the EPB driveway.
about 4 years ago, Peter Loiselle
A reminder to those families remaining remote. Packet pick up is Monday (if it's a holiday it's Tuesday) from 8:00-1:30. Please remember to drop off work from the previous week in the bin in the entryway.
about 4 years ago, Peter Loiselle
Next week we will be in the hybrid format, meaning "blue" classrooms will come to school on Monday and Tuesday, "white" classrooms will be here on Wednesday and Thursday, and all classrooms will be remote on Friday. Families who are remaining remote need to let their classroom teacher know so packets can be prepared (ONLY FULLY REMOTE STUDENTS). Packets for fully remote students will be available for pick up on Monday between 8 am and 3 pm.
about 4 years ago, Peter Loiselle