Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Maine CDC recommend schools and families focus on early identification and exclusion of ill students and staff. Anyone with symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough, fever, or sore throat, should stay home and follow the CDC recommendations as outlined below. If individuals test positive for COVID-19, they should isolate for 5 days and may return with symptom improvement, masking days 6 through 10 is recommended. More information can be found here: Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19.
If your child has an uncontrolled cough, difficulty breathing, or persistent fever, you should consider a medical evaluation. There are many respiratory illnesses that cause these symptoms (e.g., COVID-19, Pertussis, Influenza, RSV).
Students should stay home until they have been fever free for 24 hours without medications and all other symptoms are improving.