February 3rd starts the 10th annual Read to ME challenge from the Maine Department of Education.
From the DOE's website:
Steps for Taking the Read to ME Challenge
-Read to and/or have a child/children read to you in any language for at least 15 minutes.
-Read an engaging book, chapter of a novel, newspaper or magazine article, comics, nursery rhymes, or poetry.
-Capture a photograph or short video (15-30 seconds) of yourself reading to the child.
-Use #ReadtoME or #ReadaloudME to post the photo or video on social media with your challenge to others to read aloud 15 minutes to a child or children they know.
-Recommended social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.
-If you live far from a child you’d like to read to, use Zoom or Facetime to read aloud via digital means.