Regional School Unit No. 67
District Goals
Identified Challenge: Re-Engagement During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Goal #1: Cultivate student engagement by promoting a culture that supports students’ social,
emotional, behavioral, and academic development
Action Steps:
1. Actively promote the importance of student attendance
2. Develop and plan for the implementation of social, emotional, and behavioral supports
3. Focus on developing a deeper understanding of conditions for learning
4. Engage in a dialogue about diversity, equity, and inclusion
5. Promote student engagement and connectedness through the promotion of activities,
athletics and clubs
1. Attendance campaign and student data
2. Re-engagement of the District’s Social-Emotional-Learning Team
3. Professional development opportunities
4. Professional development opportunities
5. Student activity offerings and participation rates
Goal #2: Support and maintain a collaborative work environment that promotes a sense of
community, professional respect, personal growth, and well-being
Action Steps:
1. Provide and support professional development that is meaningful and inspires staff
2. Provide opportunities for staff collaboration and participation in district work
3. Provide staff wellness opportunities
4. Promote transparent and open dialogue
5. Recognize and celebrate staff contributions
1. Professional development participation feedback and attendance data
2. Committee documentation
3. Documentation of wellness offerings
4. Strategic Planning Documents
5. Documentation of staff recognition
Goal #3: Maintain strong and collaborative relationships with families and the R.S.U. No. 67
Action Steps:
1. Develop a plan that enhances communication to the community about school events,
successes and challenges
2. Facilitate open and ongoing conversations with the community (i.e., strategic planning
process, etc.)
3. Provide opportunities for the community to engage in our schools (i.e., volunteering,
partnerships, student celebrations of learning, committee work, etc.)
1. District Communication Plan
2. Strategic Planning Documents
3. Documentation of engagement opportunities