The Penobscot River Educational Partnership (PREP) and the Southern Penobscot Regional Program for Children with Exceptionalities (SPRPCE) are offering virtual information sessions for member school district parents and educators.
Age-Appropriate Media Use and Screen Time - Thursday, April 29th from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Join Michael A Ross, MD, NL Primary care Pediatrician and Regional Medical Informatics Officer for Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center for a discussion of age-appropriate media use and screen time. From toddlers to teenagers, Dr. Ross will review the benefits and challenges associated with media use, and explore adverse associations including sleep disruption, obesity, social learning challenges, and addiction. Dr. Ross will provide guidance and resources on how to develop a balanced screen time environment in the home.
Interested parents and educators should sign up at
Participants will receive a Zoom link to the April 29th, 6:30 p.m. session a week before the actual date.
Eating Disorders in Youth and Young Adults - Monday, May 3rd, from 5-6 p.m.
Sara Porter, LSCW, Clinical Supervisor, Pediatric Out Patient Services, Northern Light Acadia Hospital will review the more common type of eating disorders that can impact youth and young adults, understand the role the media can play for these individuals, and outlines types of treatment and how to best support youth with an eating disorder.
Sign Up Here:
Participants will receive a Zoom link to the session a week before the actual date.
Managing Stress and Enhancing Self-Care: The COVID Course Marathon Continues - Monday, May 10th, from 5-6 p.m.
Chris McLaughlin, LCSW, Acadia Hospital Associate Vice President of Community and Pediatric Services will review and validate the impact that COVID-19 has had on individuals of all ages, individuals will gain skills in order to develop self-care plans, and we will define resiliency and learn strategies to implement in the classroom
Sign Up Here:
Participants will receive a Zoom link to the session a week before the actual date.
Suicide and Suicide Prevention: Stigma, Awareness, and Empathy - Monday, May 17th, from 5-6 p.m.
Chris McLaughlin, LCSW, Acadia Hospital Vice President of Pediatric and Community Services will bring awareness to the prevalence, risk factors, signs and symptoms of suicide, combat the myths of suicide, and prepare school professionals to respond to suicidal students with empathy, concern and appropriate resources.
Sign Up Here:
Participants will receive a Zoom link to the session a week before the actual date.
Caring for LGBTQ+ Students and Families: Becoming an Ally - Monday, May 24th, from 5-6 p.m.
Chris McLaughlin, LCSW, Acadia Hospital Vice President of Pediatric and Community Services will bring awareness of the risk factors associated with LBGTQ+ individuals, educate school professionals of the basic terms and definitions associated with LBGTQ+ individuals, and prepare school professionals to respond to LBGTQ+ individuals with compassion and empathy to best meet their needs.
Sign Up Here:
Participants will receive a Zoom link to the session a week before the actual date.
These informational sessions were presented to regional educators on March 19th and received excellent reviews. Given the extremely positive feedback, PREP and SPRPCE wanted to share these opportunities with parents and other educators.
Questions, please contact Betsy Webb at