RSU No. 67
Chester, Lincoln, Mattawamkeag
Roads that bus actually travels on are underlined. Other streets mentioned are pickup/delivery points on road corners and along the route, determined by the Transportation Director.
Please understand, especially for elementary students, it will take at least a week for all students and driver to be accustomed to their respective routes and certain drop off/pick up times may vary, the first week.
Bus #2 A.M. 1st Run
Grades 4 yr. olds-6th Picks up on the Pea Ridge Road, Keene Road, Gray Road, and Mattamiscontis Road and drops off at the Junior High and Ella Burr schools.
Bus #2 A.M. 2nd Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up all of the South Chester Road, Pea Ridge Road, Keene Road and Mattamiscontis Road. Drops off at Junior High and Mattanawcook Academy Schools.
Bus #2 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr. olds-6th Drops off on Pea Ridge Road, Keene Road, Gray Road, and Mattimiscontis Road.
Bus # 2 3:00 P.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Drops off all of all of the South Chester Road, Pea Ridge Road, Gray Road, and Mattimiscontis Road.
Bus #14 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr. olds-6th Picks up all of North Chester Road and all of South Chester Road. Drops off at the Junior High and Ella Burr Schools.
Bus #14 2nd A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr. olds-6th Picks up all of the Perryville area including Ayer, Washington,Perry, and Lindsay Streets. Students from Second and Holmes Street will meet on Lindsay Street. Drops off at Junior High and Ella Burr Schools.
Bus #14 A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up all of North Chester Road and all of Perryville Area
Bus # 14 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr. olds-6th Drops off all of the Perryville Area. Drops off the same street as in the morning pickups.
Bus #14 2:30 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th- Drops of all the students on The North Chester Road and South Chester Road.
Bus #14 3:00 P.M. Run
Grades 7-12th- Drops of all Perryville Students from Mattanawcook Academy only. Then proceeds to the North Chester Road and drops off all students.
Bus #13 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up is at Sandy Land and continues to pick up to the town line. Picks up on the South Lincoln Road, Mohawk Road, turns left onto Route 2 then back to Sandy Lane. Then drops off at the Junior High and Ella Burr Schools.
Bus #13 2nd A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th-Picks up from the tracks to Sandy Lane on Route 2. Drops off at Junior High and Ella Burr Schools.
Bus #13 3rd A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up all students from the tracks to the town line on Route 2, Mohawk Road, and Station Road. Drops of at the Junior High and Ella Burr Schools.
Bus # 13 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up at the Ella Burr and Junior High Schools. Drops from the tracks to Sandy Lane along Route 2.
Bus #13 2:15 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up at the Junior High and Ella Bur Schools. Drops off all students from Sandy Land to the town line going on Route 2, Mohawk Road and the Station Road.
Bus #13 3rd P.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up at the Junior High School and Mattanawcook Academy. Drops off on Route 2 to the town line traveling on Mohawk Road and the Station Road.
Bus #17 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up all students on the Transalpine Road to the town line. Drops off at the Junior High and Ella Burr Schools.
Bus #17 2nd A.M. Run
Grades 4yr.-6th Picks up on the Enfield Road to Hale Street. Turns onto Hale Street, Mt. View Drive. Then onto East Broadway, and Lincoln Street. Drops off at the Junior High and Mattanawcook Academy Schools.
Bus #17 3rd A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up on the Transalpine Road to the town line. Picks up on Hale Street, Mt. View Drive, and from Hale Street down the Enfield Road.
Bus #17 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up at the Ella Burr and Junior High Schools. Drops off student on Enfield Road to Hale Street, Mt. View Drive, East Broadway and Lincoln Street.
Bus #17 2:15 P.M. Run
Grades 4yr. to 6th Picks up at the Junior High and Ella Burr Schools. Drops off on, Transalpine Road and Albert Drive to town line
Bus #17 3:00 P.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up at the Junior High School and Mattanawcook Academy. Drops off on the Enfield Road to Hale Street, and Mt View Drive. Then drops on Transalpine Road, Albert Drive to town Line.
Bus #18 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr-6th Picks up on the Phinney Farm Road, Stanhope Mills Road and then Folsom Pond Road. Turns onto Lake Street and School Street and the drops off at the Junior High. Turns left at the monument and picks up to the Ella Burr School. Drops off at Ella Burr School.
Bus #18 2nd A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr-6th Picks up From Hale Street to PVHS also from J.R. Drive, Fish Hill Drive, Winter Street, and Pinkham Street. Drops off at Junior High. Turns left at monument and picks up all students to the Ella Burr School and drops off at the Ela Burr School.
Bus #18 3rd A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up on the Phinney Farm, Stanhope Mill and Folsom Pond Roads. Proceed back to PVH and picks up on the Enfield Road from the PVH to Hale Street. Drops off at the Junior High School and Mattanawcook Academy.
Bus #18 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up at Ella Burr School and drops off on School Street and then picks up at the Junior High School. Drops off on the Enfield Road from Hale Street to PVH. Including the students on Pinkham Street, Winter Street, Fish Hill Drive and J.R Drive.
Bus #18 2:15 P.M.
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up at the Junior High and the Ella Bur Schools. Drops off on Phinney Farm, Stanhope Mill, and Folsom Pond Roads.
Bus #18 3:00 P.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up at the Junior High and the Mattanawcook Academy. Drops off on the Enfield Road from Hale Street to PVH, then drops off on the Phinney Farm, Stanhope Mill, and Folsom Pond Roads.
Bus #6 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr. -6th Picks up on the Enfield Road from PVH to Millett Mallett Road. Also picks up on Penobscot Avenue and Barkley Avenue. Drops off at Junior High and Ella Burr Schools.
Bus #6 2nd A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up on Taylor Street, Ariel Street, Edwards Street turning at Tibbetts Drive and picking up on Clark Street. Dropping off at Junior High and Ella Burr Schools.
Bus #6 3rd A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up on the Enfield Road from PVH to the town line turning at Millett Mallett Road. Then picking up on Penobscot Avenue. and Barkley Avenue. Picks up on Taylor Street, Ariel Street, Edwards Street, and Clark Street.Dropping of at the Junior High and Mattanawcook Academy Schools.
Bus #6 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4yr-6th Picks up at the Ella Burr and the Junior High Schools. Drops off on Taylor Street, Ariel Street, Edwards Street and Clark Street.
Bus #6 2:15 P. M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up at the Ella Burr and Junior High Schools. Drops off on the Enfield Road from PVH to the Millett Mallett Road. Drops off also on Penobscot Avenue and Barkley Avenue.
Bus #6 3:00 P.M. Run
Grades 7th-12th Picks up at the Junior High School and Mattanawcook Academy. Drops off on Taylor Street, Ariel Street, Edwards Street, Clark Street, Enfield Road from PVH to Millett Mallett Road, Barkley Avenue, and Penobscot Avenue.
Bus #9 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4yr.-6th Picks up on the Lee Road from Clay Street to and including Frost Street to Route #2. Drops off at Ella Burr and picking up across Highland Avenue to drop off at Junior High
Bus #9 2nd A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up from Frost Street along Route 2 to and including Town Farm Road and then onto Sweet Road. Dropping off at Ella Burr and Junior High Schools.
Bus #9 3rd A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up on Lee Road from Clay Street to and including Frost Street to Route 2 turning onto Main Street to an including Town Farm Road and Sweet Road. Drops off at Mattanawcook Academy and Junior High Schools.
Bus #9 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up at the Ella Burr. Drops off on Highland Avenue also right side of Lee Road on the way to Junior High School. Drops off Lee Road from the Junior High to Frost Street. Then drops off on Frost Street to Route 2. Drops off on Route 2 to and including the Town Farm Road and Sweet Road.
Bus #9 2:15 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up Ella Burr and Junior High Schools. Drops off on Route 2 starting at Frost Street to and including the Town Farm Road. Then drops off on the Sweet Road.
Bus #9 3:00 P.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up at Mattanawcook Academy and the Junior High School. Drops off Lee Road from the Junior High to and including Frost Street. Turns onto Route 2 and drops off to and including the Town Farm Road. Then drops off on the Sweet Road.
Bus #10 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th-Picks up on the Lee Road after Frost Street to the Lee Line. Goes to and picks up on Curtis Farm Road and Halftownship Road. Drops off at Junior High and pick ups students on the right side of Lee Road to and include Evergreen drive. Drops off at Ella Burr.
Bus #10 2nd A.M.
Grades 4 yr.-3rd Pick up on Lakeview Street, Porter Street, McKenzie Avenue, and Jewel Street. Drops off at Ella Burr.
Bus #10 3rd A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up on Lee Road from Evergreen Drive then from Frost Street to the Lee Line. Picks up on Curtis Farm Road and Halftownship Road. Drops off at the Junior High School. Picks up on Lakeview Street, Potter Street and McKenzie Avenue and drop off at the Mattanawcook Academy.
Bus #10 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-3rd- Picks up at Ella Burr School. Drops off on Lakeview Street, Porter Street, McKenzie Avenue Jewel Street. Drops off Lee Road to Warsaw Circle.
Bus #10 2:15 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up at the Junior High and Ella Burr Schools. Drops off from Frost Street on Lee Road to town line. Drops off on Curtis Farm Road and Halftownship Roads.
Bus #10 3:00 P.M. run
Grades 7-12th Picks up Mattanawcook Academy and Junior High School. Drops off Lee Road from Frost Street to Lee Town Line. Drops off on Curtis Farm Road and Halftownship Road.
Bus #8 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr.-6th Picks up at the Winn General Store. Picks up on the Main Road until the Hathaway Road. Picks up on Hathaway Road to the Medway Road. Goes to Main Road and picks up on Webb Hill, and Backsettlement Road. Picks up on Boyd Street and goes around the square. Goes towards Lincoln and picks up rest of the students. Drops off at Ella Burr and Junior High Schools.
Bus #8 2nd A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up at Winn General Store. Picks up on Main Road until the Hathaway Road. Picks up on Hathaway Road to the Medway Road. Goes to Main Road and picks up on Webb Hill and Backsettlement Road. Picks up on Boyd Street and goes around the square. Goes towards Lincoln and picks up the rest of the students. Drops of at Mattanawcook Academy and the Junior High School.
Bus #8 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4yr.-6th Picks up at Junior High and Ella Burr Schools. Drops off at Winn General Store, Main Street to the town, Drops off around the square and goes down Boyd Street. Drops off on Hathaway Road to the Medway Road. Goes up Webb Hill until last drop off on the Main Road. Drops off on the Backsettlement Road.
Bus #8 3:00 P.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up at Mattanawcook Academy and the Junior High School. Drops at the Winn General Store, Main Street to the town. Drops off on the square and on Boyd Street. Drops off on Hathaway Road to the Medway Road. Drops off on Webb Hill until last stop on Main Road, then drops off on Backsettlement Road.
Bus #1 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4 yr-6th Picks up at the Town Office in Mattawamkeag. Picks up on Medway Road into Molunkus. Goes towards Lincoln and picks up on the Bagley Mountain Road. Goes towards Lincoln and picks up from the Bagley Mountain Road to the Town Farm Road. Drops off at Ella Burr and the Junior High School.
Bus #1 2nd A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up on the Medway Road into Molunkus. Goes towards Lincoln and Picks up on the Bagley Mountain Road. Picks up from the Bagley Mountain Road to the Town Farm Road. Drop off at Mattanawcook Academy and the Junior High School.
Bus#1 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr. to 6th Picks up at Junior High School and Ella Burr Schools. Drops off on the Main Road from Town Farm Road to and including the Bagley Mountain Road. Drops off students to the SAD 30 bus. Drops off on the Medway Road into Molunkus.
Bus #1 3:00 P.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up at Mattanawcook Academy and the Junior High School. Drops off on the Main Road from the Town Farm Road to and including the Bagley Mountain Road. Drops off on the Medway Road into Molunkus.
Bus #5 1st A.M. Run
Grades 4yr.- 6th Picks up on the Burlington Road to the 4 corners in Burlington. Picks up on the side roads as needed. Picks up on the Back Road in Burlington. Picks up on the Main Road towards Lowell and to and including the Webb Cove Road, doing the side roads as needed. Drops off at Junior High and Ella Burr Schools.
Bus #5 2nd A.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up on the Burlington Road to the 4 corners. Picks up on the Back Road and to the Folsom Ridge Road. Picks up on the way back to the town and turns towards Lowell. Pick up on the Main Road towards Lowell to the Webb Cove Road. Do the side roads as needed. Drops off at the Junior High School and Mattanawcook Academy.
Bus #5 2:00 P.M. Run
Grades 4 yr. to 6th Picks up at the Ella Burr and Junior High Schools. Drops off on the Burlington Road to the 4 corners, dropping off the side roads as needed. Drops off on the Back Road and back towards the 4 corners. Turns towards Lowell and drops off to the Webb Cove Road. Doing the side roads as needed.
Bus #5 3:00 P.M. Run
Grades 7-12th Picks up at the Junior High and the Mattanawcook Academy. Drops off on the Burlington Road to the 4 corners. Doing the side roads as needed. Drops off on the Back Road and to the Folsom Ridge Road. Drops off back to Burlington on the Main Road. Turns towards Lowell to the Webb Cove Road, Doing the side Roads as needed,