August 7, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians:
The R.S.U. No. 67 Board of Directors took action at their meeting on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 to approve that the 2020-2021 school year begins in-person five days a week with a remote option for any R.S.U. No. 67 student across grades Pre-K to 12, provided current health markers remain constant. PK-6 students will attend school from 7:30-2:00 and 7-12 students from 8:30 – 3:00. Remote instruction is available for any student with health and safety concerns, elevated health risks or a family member with elevated health risks.
The remote instruction program will occur as follows:
- Teachers will take daily attendance following school protocols.
- Students will follow a regular school day schedule with required virtual and academic participation.
- Instruction for all classes including diversified arts (i.e., art, band, chorus, PE, etc.) will be done remotely.
- Teachers will provide real-time learning opportunities blended with instructional videos, documents, learning software, and virtual help sessions.
- Students will access learning goals and assignments that will be sent the same time every week with daily checklists/reminders.
- Students will receive timely feedback and frequent recognition of progress.
- Students will respond to feedback and submit assignments in a timely way (digitally or hard copies).
- Students will use Google Classroom to clarify assignments, due dates, methods for turning in assignments, and to communicate with staff.
- Teachers will assess student work for evidence towards scores/grades.
- RSU No. 67 will provide devices.
In order for our teachers to plan for instruction, students who elect to participate in this remote instruction program to begin the 2020-21 School year will be asked to remain in the program for at least eight weeks. If you are interested in this option for your child, please contact Rosemarie Clark at 794-6500 no later than Friday, August 14, 2020.
The first day of school for Pre-K to 9 students will be Wednesday, September 2. All students will be in school on September 3. An updated school calendar is posted on our website. Please continue to visit the district website frequently for updated information. We are looking forward to having our students with us in September!
Jean Skorapa, Superintendent of Schools