Surplus Sale

Instructions for bidding on R.S.U. No. 67 surplus items.

RSU No. 67 surplus items are now posted for bidding.

All surplus items have a lot number attached to them. Bidders may send a letter or e-mail a bid on any item before the deadline of November 8, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. The bids must clearly indicate the lot number, the bid amount, name, phone number, and mailing address.

Bids by mail shall be addressed to:                    Bids may be hand-delivered to:


RSU No. 67                                                         RSU No. 67

Attn: Andy Edwards                                            Attn: Andy Edwards

PO Box 69                                                           25 Airport Rd.                    

Lincoln, ME  04457                                             Lincoln, ME  04457

Bids by email should be emailed to:

Andy Edwards, Facility Director

Subject: Surplus Bid

To view any of the surplus items please email Andy Edwards at aedwards@rsu67.og to make an appointment.


All items are sold as is.


R.S.U. No. 67 has the right to refuse any bid.


Payment for items must be made within 7 days of notification of a successful bid.

Items must be removed from R.S.U. No. 67 by November 22, 2024, at 3:00 pm.


If you have any questions regarding the items or instructions, please contact Andy Edwards at (207) 290-1047 or email at

Click the link below to access the Surplus Listing!