Phone Image

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are excited to announce a new communication tool that will allow us to keep you better informed about important school news, events, and announcements. We are implementing a school-wide SMS (text message) notification system that will enable us to send you timely updates directly to your mobile devices.

To take advantage of this new feature, we need your consent to opt-in to receive these SMS notifications. Participation is completely voluntary, but we highly encourage you to sign up as it will ensure you receive critical information in a fast and efficient manner.

To opt in, please complete the following steps:

1. Ensure your current mobile phone number is on file with the school office. If it needs to be updated, please contact the office as soon as possible.

Click the link to access the barcode

2. Scan the bar code that is provided on the letter and click the icon that pops up.  Respond to the text message by typing Y or Yes.  You will receive a confirmation text informing you that you have opted-in to receive text messages.

Once you have completed these steps, you will begin receiving important school updates, reminders, and alerts via text message. Please note that standard messaging and data rates from your cellular provider may apply.

We are confident this new SMS notification system will improve our ability to communicate with you in a timely manner. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the school office.

Thank you for your partnership in keeping our school community informed and connected.


Paul Austin, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools

Please click on the link below to access the SMS Text Opt-In Flyer

We will be doing a test of the all-call system this Friday, September 27, 2024.