Welcome to the RSU No. 67 website. Our website has been designed to provide insight into the functions of the School Board, plus information relative to our schools, our achievements, and the important issues facing our district.
The school board is composed of 12 members, each elected for three-year terms. As per state law, the board has general charge of the RSU No. 67 school department. The primary role of the board is to establish educational goals and policies for the schools in our district, consistent with the requirement of law as well as the statewide goals and standards established by the Maine Board of Education.
The School Board is also responsible for the review and approval of the school system’s annual budget. The budget is developed to support the district’s educational priorities and other system needs.
The Superintendent of Schools is hired by the School Board to serve as the board’s educational advisor and chief executive officer in charge of overseeing the administration of the school system in a manner that is consistent with district goals and policies.
School Board meetings are held normally on the first and third Wednesday of the month. All meetings are in the Mattanawcook Academy library. Visitors from the public are appreciated, and we trust your attendance will be beneficial to both you and us. We feel it is very important for interested persons to know about the workings of our school system and for us to be aware of what is important to the community. You are invited to participate in board meetings in accordance with the policy and rules established by this board.
Sub-committee meetings are open to the public, as well. Although there is no public comment section on committee agendas, you are most welcome to attend and listen.
Please contact call Central Office at 207-794-6500 if you have any questions.
Lincoln Representatives:
Dianne Buck (Exp. 11/2025) - Board Chair
William Chubbuck (Exp. 11/2027)
Alyson Harris (Exp. 11/2025) - aharris@rsu67.org
Mary Hawkes (Exp. 11/2025)- mhawkes@rsu67.org
Andrew Funaro (Exp. 11/2027) - afunaro@rsu67.org
Patricia Nobel (Exp. 11/2026) - pnobel@rsu67.org
Mary Plourde (Exp. 11/2027) - mplourde@rsu67.org
Norma Priest (Exp. 11/2026) - npriest@rsu67.org
Chester Representatives:
Mattawamkeag Representatives: