Mission: In partnership with students, staff, families, and our communities, RSU No. 67 provides a safe, welcoming, and engaging
learning environment to inspire all students to be involved, contributing members of society.
Vision: RSU No. 67 strives to excite and inspire learning through a rigorous, relevant, and future-focused curriculum that empowers
students to be active participants, critical thinkers, and problem solvers who are well-prepared to pursue their aspirations.
Core Values: Student-Centered, Innovative, Creative, Collaborative, Kind, Compassionate, Respectful, Engaged, Committed,
Accountable, Thoughtful, and Responsive
Focus Areas
Strategic Goals
To ensure that all RSU No. 67 facilities are safe, secure, and welcoming environments for all students, staff, families, and community members.
RSU No. 67 will meet the needs of all learners through high-quality learning experiences that are engaging, student-focused, and relevant while ensuring the support necessary to assist each student in achieving their fullest potential.
RSU No. 67 will successfully recruit, hire, support, and retain the highest-quality support staff, teachers, and administrators who inspire, engage, and strive to meet the needs of all RSU 67 students.
Through continuous review and thoughtful planning, RSU No. 67 will be prepared for, and adapt to, the fast-changing needs of our students and school system well into the future.
In an effort to meet the needs of our students, while ensuring accountability to our tax-payers and communities, RSU No. 67 will request, utilize, and manage fiscal resources in an efficient, responsible, and transparent manner.
RSU No. 67 will provide and maintain facilities that are safe and secure, and support student learning and activities.