25 Reed Drive
Lincoln, Maine 04457
(207) 794-6500
Ann Sutherland, Special Services Coordinator
Kelly Nadeau Special Services Administrative Assistant
Elvia Malcolm IEP Coordinator
We are pleased to welcome you to our new Special Services website. RSU 67 Special Services encompasses a range of services that support students in accessing the general education curriculum. These supports include a screening process for all students that identifies those who are not meeting expectations so that appropriate interventions can be delivered; 504 Plans, which include classroom and testing accommodations; ESL (English as a Second Language) services for students whose first language is not English; and Special Education services for students identified with a disability. If you have any questions about special services or this website, please feel free to contact me via phone at (207) 794-6500 or by email at
RSU 67 receives Title 1 funds. Under the Act, parents of children attending the RSU 67 schools may request the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers. Parents may request information related to state certification, highly qualified status, emergency certification, and degrees as well as information about the qualifications of educational technicians. This information is available by contacting Rosemarie Clark by telephone at (207) 794-6500 or by email at