Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
RSU No. 67 has a Multi-Tiered System of Supports to support students in PreK through 12th grade. This page is set up to help parents and teachers see the plan, various documents used in the process, and provide more information about MTSS.
RSU 67 PBIS Purpose Statement
RSU 67 will create a safe and enjoyable positive school environment through the implementation of data driven structures and practices that will support students in academic, behavioral, and social skill development to assist each student in achieving their fullest potential.
What is PBIS? PBIS stands for positive behavioral interventions and supports. It is part of our complete MTSS system to support success of all students. PBIS is a proactive approach to improve behavior and support behavioral needs. There is a focus on explicit teaching of expectations, positive behaviors, and acknowledging positive behaviors.
The documents below are in the process of being revised by the district MTSS team. They will be updated as they are revised to match the MTSS model.
To access the RSU 67 MTSS plan - click here. This is in the process of being revised
For a description of what happens at each tier of support - click here.
For Guidelines for Shifting Tier Placements - click here.
For Initial Placement Letter - click here.
For Team Review Determination Letter - click here.
For Celebration of Changes in Tiers Letter - click here.
For Documenting Interventions for Skills - click here.
For all other RTI Documents - click here.